Because it's been a hot & humid summer....Enjoy Winter in July!
"Iceskating in Dilworth Park on a Sunday Afternoon." Oil on stretched Canvas. 12x16. Framed, wired, and ready to hang in your home or office! Winter in July Sale Price is $288. Regular Price: $576.
I love this little painting!
The kids were having such fun at Dilworth Park racing around, falling and enjoying the day!
This painting's claim to fame is that it hung at the Philadelphia Sketch Club"s 154th Small Oil Painting Exhibit! It is always an honor to hang at America's oldest art club in the country among so many talented and creative oil painters.
To celebrate Winter in July...
Painting is available at 50% off retail price!
Original Price: $576.
Winter in July Price: $288!
(month of July only.)
Email or phone me for info!
Upcoming Event!
The Manayunk Roxborough Art Center's
11th Annual Juried Show!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
419 Green Lane (Rear) Philadelphia, PA 19128
I am an active volunteer at the center and this year we had a RECORD NUMBER of submissions! The juror did an amazing job and I can't wait to see all the amazing art and artists at the Opening Reception.
I will have two paintings hanging at the show:
“Song of Myself.” Oil and collage on Canvas Panel. 12x16 inches. Original Oil Painting Available. $424. Framed, wired and ready to hang. (This discounted pricing is available at the show only. Contact me if you are interested.)
I painted this portrait of Noel in honor of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday in May 2019. I intended to enter this painting into a Walt Whitman 200th Birthday show at the Philadelphia Office of Arts & Culture at City Hall, but somehow my submission got lost in cyberspace! So, now I'm showing the painting at the Manayunk Art Center! If you are a fan of Walt Whitman, I think you will love this painting!
I thought you might enjoy this charcoal study I made for the oil painting. I love working in charcoal - it is quick and rough and unforgiving as it is difficult to erase! Ha, with oil paint you can paint over and over again until well you either have it perfect of not!
The sketch is available on my website. Charcoal Pencil, White Conte Crayon, Soft Pastel on Toned Strathmore Paper. 9x12 inches.
Retail price: $180. Email subscriber price: $140. Contact me if interested.
"Alexandra." Oil on stretched canvas. 18x24 inches. Framed, wired and ready to hang. $925. (This discounted pricing is available at the show only. Contact me if you are interested.)
I painted this portrait of Alexandra from the Sktchy app. Sktchy is a mobile app where all kinds of folks post photos of themselves for artists like me to paint! Alexandra lives in Paris, and this is a painting of her escaping the heat of Paris in the summer. She loves the painting, so that is always nice when the subject of the painting approves!
Hope to see you at the Opening Reception!
Over 60 paintings for you to enjoy! All the art is for sale!
Complimentary wine, beverages, and light snacks. Admission is Free -
$5.00 Donation is recommended.
MRAC 11th Annual Open Juried Show
Opening Reception:
Sunday, July 21, 2019 • noon - 3 pm
419 Green Lane (Rear) Philadelphia, PA 19128