Transforming Jazz – A Visual Journey
Art in City Hall
Another honor for "Music in Rittenhouse Square."
"Music in Rittenhouse Square," 12x12 inch. Oil on Canvas Panel. Photo reference: Jonathan Yu. Saxophone musician, Jamal Hall.
"Music In Rittenhouse Square" has been selected by Philadelphia artist and jazz enthusiast Leroy Johnson to appear in the Philadelphia Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy's Art in City Hall Transforming Jazz – A Visual Journey exhibition.
Philly Celebrates Jazz Press Conference
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Mayor's Reception Room, 202
Philadelphia City Hall, 1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Philly Celebrates Jazz Reception
Immediately following press conference
Thursday, March 29, 2018
5:30 – 7 p.m.
Art Gallery at City Hall, Room 116
PhiladelphiaCity Hall, 1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Transforming Jazz – A Visual Journey Art Exhibition.
Exhibition runs: March 28 - May 4, 2018
Art Gallery at City Hall, Room 116
Philadelphia City Hall, 1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19102
My painting appears on the cover of Philadelphia Stories, Winter 2018 Edition
Philadelphia Stories, Winter 2018. "Music in Rittenhouse Square" 2017, 12x12 inches, Oil on canvas panel.
Philadelphia Stories Winter 2018 Issue — A collaboration with the Free Library of Philadelphia's One Book, One Philadelphia program
My painting, "Music in Rittenhouse Square," appears on the cover of The Winter 2018 issue of Philadelphia Stories. This 2018 Winter edition explores music and the ways it affects our lives, complementing the embedded themes of improvisational jazz and pop culture in Another Brooklyn by Jacquline Woodson (the 2018 One Book, One Philadelphia selection).
The Launch Event!
Philadelphia Stories, in collaboration with The Free Library of Philadelphia, is sponsoring a Launch Event at the Rittenhouse Square branch of the library. My original painting, "Music in Rittenhouse Square" along with the other artwork that appears in the Winter Edition will be on exhibit. Writers will read their work, including poetry, essays and fiction. The art reception begins Monday, January 29, 2018 at 5:30 pm. The readings begin at 6:30 pm.
The Philadelphia City Institutes' art exhibit will be open for viewing at select times from January 30 through February 10 (please inquire at the Reference Desk for details). Please note that the event will take place on the ground floor, which is only accessible by stairs.
Monday, January 29, 2018
5:30 pm - Reception and Art Opening
6:30 pm - Reading
Philadelphia City Institute
1905 Locust Street (19th & Locust on W. Rittenhouse Square)
Philadelphia, PA 19103-5730
"Music in Rittenhouse Square" original oil painting is sold. But you can still enjoy a canvas or paper print of the painting in your own home or office! 8x8 inch matted prints are available at the Launch Event and here on my website.