Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

Women Who Shatter Barrier

Harriet Tubman - "Women Who Shatter Barriers."

Women Who Shatter BarrierChristina Tarkoff
“Harriet Tubman.” from my “Women Who Shatter Barriers.” series of portraits. Oil & collage on Canvas Panel. 8x10 inches.

“Harriet Tubman.” from my “Women Who Shatter Barriers.” series of portraits. Oil & collage on Canvas Panel. 8x10 inches.

“Harriet Tubman.” Oil & collage on canvas panel. 8x10 inches. I added Harriet Tubman to my “Women Who Shatter Barriers” series in February.

Whenever I make a portrait for the “Women Who Shatter Barrier” series, I research my subject so that I get to know her a bit. For Harriet I read the recent book, “She Came to Slay. The life and Times of Harriet Tubman.”

Everyone knows of Harriet’s courage as an abolitionist. But to get the true depth of her courage, grit, and strength I suggest reading “She Came to Slay.” It’s a slim book packed with mountains of info about Harriet’s life. I’m posting this portrait now because I think it’s a good time to further examine the abhorrent history of slavery & racism in the USA. .